商务社交:解决冲突 resolve conflict
Dialogue 1
A: What should we do when we find a shortage in the shipment?/航运中发现货物短缺时,我们该怎么办?
B: You could do either of the two things: you could lodge a claim on the ship owner or on the insurance company./你们可以选用以下两种方法之一:你们可以向船主提出索赔;或者向保险公司提出索赔。
A: Do brokers take care of that ?/经纪人处理这类事吗?
B: Yes, they usually do./是的,他们通常处理这类事。
A: Do they charge for that?/他们对此收费吗?
B: Yes, in Europe they charge a commission 1% of the amount of the claim for their services./会的。在欧洲,他们就其提供的服务收取索赔总额1%的佣金。
A: How about in China?/那在中国呢?
B: We do the work mostly according to the international laws./我们主要根据国际法来办。
Dialogue 1
A: Jim, your idea really helped us a lot!/吉姆,你的点子真是帮了我们大忙了。
B: Thank you. This program is working really well./谢谢。这个程序进行很顺利。
A: Yes. You are a great programmer./是啊。你是个很好的程序员。
Dialogue 2
A: Did you read the business letter I wrote, Lisa?/我写的那封商业信你看这吗,莉莎?
B: Yes, I did./是的,我看过了。
A: Then what do you think about it? Are there any mistakes?/那么你觉得怎么样?有什么错误吗?
B: No mistakes at all, Linda. You have done it excellently./什么错误也没有,琳达,你写得非常好。
A: Really? Thank you!/真的吗?谢谢!
商务社交:向同事请求帮助ask help
A: Good morning, Linda. Therell be some people coming into our company tomorrow. Please make a detailed schedule for me for tomorrow./上午好,琳达。明天有几个人要来我们公司。请给我制定一份明天的详细日程表。
B: Who are they, Mr. Peter?/什么人,彼得先生?
A: They are: Mr. Jones, general manager of Fuqiang Co.; Mr. Sam, president of Bestway Co.; and Ms. Griffin from pilot Corp./他们有:福强公司的总经理琼斯先生,百事威公司的总裁萨姆先生,以及派洛特公司的格里芬女士。
B: Well have the board meeting at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, wont we?/我们明天下午2点30分开董事会,是吗?
A: Yes./是的。
B: But the sales manager of Lee Brothers , Mr. Lee, Just called and insisted on seeing you tomorrow afternoon./但是李氏兄弟公司销售部经理李先生刚来过电话,还坚持说明下午要见你。
A: The board meeting will be finished at about 3:30. You could arrange his appoinment after that./董事会大概3点半结束。你可以把他安排在这个时间之后。
B: He said that he would leave for Guangzhou at 4:00 p. m. tomorrow./他说他明天下午4点要去广州。
A: All right. Please tell Johnson to meet him tomorrow afternoon./那好吧。就让约翰明天下午接待他。
B: Yes, sir./好的。先生。
A: Gould you give me the shedule before 4 oclock this afternoon?/今天下午4点之前能将日程表给我吗?
B: No problem, sir./没问题,先生。
商务社交:熟悉工作familiar with job
Dialogue 1
A: How long has been that man over there at the desk? 那个人在那个书桌旁边待了多久?
B: About a minute or two, I think. 我想大概有一两分钟了吧。
A: Can you find out what he wants? 你知道他想干什么吗?
B: I will ask him right away. 我马上去问问他。
Dialoge 2
A: Has the secretary sent the letter yet? 秘书已经把信发出去了吗?
B: Yes. She has already sent them the letter. 是的,她已经把信发给他们了。
A: She still hasnt sent a copy of the letter to me. 她还没有把信的复印件送给我。
B: I forgot to tell you she gave me your copy. 我忘记告诉你了,她把给你的复印件送到我这儿了。
商务社交:认识同事 Colleague
W: Hello, Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Jufeng./你好,让我自我介绍一下。我叫王巨峰。
S: Pleased to meet you. Im Geoff Snowdon. I havent seen you around before. /很高兴认识你,我叫吉奥夫-斯诺登。我过去没有见过你呀。
W: No. Ive just started work for IBM. Im in the Sales Department./对。我刚来IBM工作,在销售部。
S: What do you do there?/你在那做什么工作?
W: Oh, Im on the market research side. And you?/哦,我是搞市场调研的。你呢?
S: Well, Ive been with IBM for years. Im Mr. Fields Personal Assistant. He is the After-Sale Service Director./哦,我已经在IBM工作好几年了。我是菲尔德先生的个人助理。他是售后服务部主任。
W: Ah, I havent met him. Is he at the party here?/啊,我还不认识他。他来参加这次聚会了吗?
S: Yes, thats him. Let me introduce you./来了,他就在那,让我为你介绍一下。 |