123 one hundred and twenty-three
1,500 fifteen hundred; one thousand five hundred
3,405 three thousand four hundred and five
45,000 forty-five thousand
56,789 fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty—nine
600,000 six hundred thousand
6,124,012 six million one hundred twenty-four thousand and twelve
700,000,000 seven hundred million
1,070,000,000 one billion and seventy million 2.小数
6.268 six point two six eight
3.04 three point nought four; three point 0 four
45.008 forty-five point nought nought eight
0.23 point two three
1/2 one-half, a half
1/3 one-third
3/4 three-fourths
5/7 five-sevens
1/10 one-tenth; a tenth
2% two per cent
4 {2/3} four and two third
1801 年 eighteen 0 one
1989 年 nineteen eighty-nine
2003 年 two thousand and three
7月3日 July (the) third; the third of July
137 one three seven
150 one five oh
4557 four double five seven
6846923 six eight four six nine two three
$32.48 thirty-two dollars (and) forty-eight cents
£4,23.15 four thousand two hundred and three pounds fifteen pence
3+5=8 Three plus five equals eight./Three mad five is (equal to) eight.
8-5=3 Eight minus five equals three./Five from eight leaves three.
4×6=24 Four times six is twenty-four.
24÷6=4 Twenty-four divided by six equals four. |