我想要报案 I want to report a crime.
你的姓名、地址、电话? What’s your name, address, and telephone number?
你要报什么案? What do you want to report?
盗匪Burglary 抢劫Robbery 店内偷窃Shoplifting
勒索Blackmail 强*Rape 扒手Pickpocket
被殴Assaulted 绑票Kidnap 损毁Criminal Damage
非礼Indecent Assault
请描述歹徒相貌特征 Please describe the suspect
身高Height 体重Weight 肤色Skin Colour 发色Hair Colour
性别Sex 衣着Dress 特征Significance
有没有看到歹徒用的车辆 Did you see suspect’s vehicle?
车型Model 制造车厂Make 车牌号码Plate Number
何时发生?何地发生?When did it happen? Where did it happen?
有没有目击证人? Any witness?
损失了什么财物?What properties did you lose?