On March 10, the presidential Aula Magna at the Università degli Studi, Roma TRE will host the 2008 National Convention of the AILAC - the Italian Academy of Contact Lenses. On Monday, work will start at 9 am and end at 3.30 pm with the Shareholders’ Meeting. "Doubts about Contactology" is the title of the Convention and it will include the discussion of controversial contactology issues in reports with opposing views.
Is it still meaningful to apply RGP lenses for correcting simple ametropia? Is hydrogel silicone really to be preferred to soft hydrogel lenses in any case, and how will we know that the amount of oxygen is sufficient for the cornea? How long can contact lenses be worn in one day and what room is there for continual use? How can lachrymal function be assessed? These “burning” topics will be investigated starting with opposing views in an open and in-depth face-to-face meeting with extremely stimulating prospects.
At the same location Sunday, March 9, the AILAC Fellow examination will take place. The title of Fellow is a mark of quality and is awarded on passing the exam. |